Cryptrain is a technology-powered blockchain recruitment agency with emphasis on providing our clients, namely blockchain projects and companies, with talented Web 3.0, metaverse, NFT and proficient blockchain-specific developers. We are blockchain recruiters with a demonstrated ability to provide employers with the most talented Blockchain Developers by use of our multi-layered system, combining technical skills and people skills to create the ability to screen your blockchain hires with granular detail.
We use a carefully curated process to help employers find hand-selected Blockchain Developers that pass all points of our multiple skills and proficiency screenings. Our process includes implementation of our very own AI screening technology which screens code snippets input by developers from their published Github and other relevant sources in order to check, with accuracy, for technical competency and demonstrated proficiency. We ensure our process and combine with soft skills interviews to make sure we get it right.
Employers in need of proficient Blockchain Developers benefit from the peace of mind provided by the Cryptrain unique screening process. The interview process is facilitated by our talented Relationship Managers, and includes the implementation of a soft skills scoring system.
Our interviewers use their analytical experience to measure team and interpersonal skills in addition to technical proficiency. This, coupled with the automated precision technical skills screening done by our AI technology, ensures we help your company or project hire a Blockchain Developer that fits your specific project and team recruitment needs. If you are an employer looking for where to find Blockchain Developers with validated technical proficiency and team skills, Cryptrain is the resource you’ve been looking for!
Garrett Hartwell
Co-Founder Altbase
Liam Quinlan-Stamp
Founder Coinpresso
Craig Duffield
CEO Takeoff Media (PIN)
Our simple and clear pricing breaks Cryptrain offerings into 3 available options, making it simple for employers and hiring managers to select the best package for their hiring needs. We offer individual screening for simple, one-off Blockchain Developer needs. We also offer more extensive alternatives which cover screening or all recruitment needs for extremely reasonable commission agreements of 7% and 10% respectively. Blockchain employers and Hiring Managers can submit for a free consultation on your blockchain recruitment needs.
$250 per talent
7% annual salary
Our process of validating Blockchain Developers is supported largely by unique AI technology. Our automated testing process leaves no room for developers to advance without them first demonstrating a clear ability to program in any one or combination of numerous existing coding languages in the course of the validation process.
The AI technology used in our validation process is ours, developed in-house. Through implementation, we test for all official coding languages, including the newest, in order to ensure employers and projects find Blockchain Developers with an adequate level of proficiency in the relevant coding languages called for by their specific requirements.
As experienced blockchain recruiters we’ve had the opportunity to craft our process, and in doing so, we’ve made it to produce precise results. Our automated AI tech-powered screening process distinguishes Blockchain Developers and places them into competency levels.
Three competency levels are used to ensure our clients hire blockchain developer talent that matches up to the specific job requirements.
Juniors: introductory level developers, who can grow into the next competency levels while they work jobs that match their level of proficiency!
Intermediate level: the 2nd tier of developers, who can grow into our most proficient developers with time and work experience!
Senior level: developers are those with demonstrated mastery in their associated programming languages, backed up by an active gitbook and vast experience.
At Cryptrain we excel in the process of finding highly qualified Blockchain Developers since we know how hard it is to find talent in the ever-expanding decentralized web frontier. Trying to find a talented developer could be like searching for a needle in a haystack, but Cryptrain simplifies the process and automates it for our clients.
Our recruiting process includes the mentioned AI technology which tests for skills in popular Web 3.0-related programming languages only professional developers demonstrate proficiency in, like Solidity and Rust. We simplify the process and ensure our clients find talented metaverse developer talent, NFT developer talent, XR developer talent and Web 3.0 developer talent of any one of three varying levels of proficiency.
Once a potential job match arises for any developer in our global resource talent pool we interview them and closely screen the potential match to make sure alignment exists with soft skills and personality-related screens. Attitude beats talent every time, so ensuring that the hire is a good fit is of utmost importance.
The difference in the Cryptrain process for blockchain recruiters, DeFi projects and companies in need of talented developers, is that we prepare qualified Blockchain Developers in advance. Companies may be in need of a Metaverse Developer, XR, js (JavaScript), or other sought after talent like Solidity or Rust Developers.
Our process helps ensure that when the need arises, Cryptrain already has an established pool of professionals formed for recruiters to sort through in search of the perfect candidates for their specific project programming needs. With Cryptrain, developers get the opportunity to obtain full/part-time work real-time as employers post jobs, searching to hire remote blockchain developers for specific project or company needs.
Cryptrain brings the best of Blockchain Developers from across the world into one unified platform, for recruiters to fulfill needs, and simultaneously for talent to find and fill Blockchain Developer jobs quickly. When business is moving as fast as it so often does in crypto, time doesn’t always permit adequately going through the process needed to fulfill job assignments, nor are there resources available to effectively screen hires for competency of their coding.
Before recruiters hire Blockchain Developer talent, a search is required to find qualified candidates to interview, decide which to interview, filter out the talent hopefully accurately, from amongst those interviewed, and then validate the skills and references of those selected.
All of these steps happen prior to the chosen talent beginning the necessary onboarding process, and then work, to hopefully be a good fit so the process doesn’t have to repeat.
Cryptrain removes the need for our clients to go through this process. We do it for you, and guarantee our process, so every validated blockchain developer is able to perform and meet your business, company or cryptocurrency project needs.
We’ve matched clients with the right developers in a day or two in some cases. We’re sure our process can help you find the right blockchain developer for your project needs, no matter how difficult the requirements and deadlines may be.
The Crytrain global talent pool is filled with over 17,000 Blockchain Developers from more than 60 different countries around the world. Whatever the project or company need is, Cryptrain can see to its fulfillment - metaverse developer needs, XR developer needs, Web 3.0 developer talent vacancies, NFT developer searches, or other jobs requiring fulfillment with capable developers with relevant experience.
Of the included Blockchain Developers in our global talent pool, more than 1,000 have been validated through our AI technology-supported process. That means that more than 1,000 Blockchain Developers are available at any given time, for jobs needed by recruiters and employers.
Employers and projects are looking for Solidity developers frequently. Solidity developers of our three designated proficiency levels, are free to submit their information through the talent pool portal, and then submit github and other relevant code to be considered.
Metaverse developer needs, solidity developer jobs, Rust, XR and more are being actively sought by employers on the Cryptrain network.
For Blockchain Developers with demonstrated experience in Rust programming language, the Cryptrain global talent pool is regularly searched by employers looking to hire Rust developer talent with varying proficiency levels in the Rust language.
There are several reasons why it is a good idea to use some form of advanced screening to closely analyze Blockchain Developers skills prior to consideration for hiring.
Specifically, the AI technology used by Cryptrain is designed to be stringent, analyzing Blockchain Developers’ demonstrated code down to the deepest details which reveal fundamental and advanced technical proficiency, leaving no questions concerning the results.
The Cryptrain developer recruitment process helps us put our clients in the best position possible. We make the recruitment process simple and rewarding by helping employers and managers hire the most accurate talent for their specific needs.
The Cryptrain process of recruiting talent and attracting serious blockchain employers and hiring managers makes for a highly engaging, balanced network of equally motivated parties. The benefit of a trusted validation process in between removes any concerns about quality.
The days of being stressed out over recruitment requirements, and uncertainties about the actual abilities of hired professionals can be over once and for all for your company.
If you are a blockchain developer, Cryptrain could be the resource you have been looking for in order to secure quality work opportunities with reputable companies and decentralized projects.
Are you a hiring manager or employer looking to hire talent for your blockchain project, exchange or company? Perhaps you’re a developer who is looking to find and secure that dream job which you know exists?
Cryptrain blockchain recruitment agency can assist you in meeting your specific needs.
Are you a hiring manager or employer looking to hire talent for your blockchain project, exchange or company? Perhaps you’re a developer who is looking to find and secure that dream job which you know exists?
Cryptrain blockchain recruitment agency can assist you in meeting your specific needs.